05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 1: Price Direction
05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 2 : Special Focus on the US
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 1: Oils & Fats Supply, Demand and Outlook
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 2: Opportunities for Palm Oil in Asian Market
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 1 : CPO Price Trend
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Opportunities
22 - 28 Jun 2020
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 2 : Global Palm Oil Market Focus
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Focus
22 - 29 Feb 2016
2016 Market Direction - Twists and Turns of Palm Oil Prices
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 1 : Palm Oil Price Fundamentals
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 2 : Trade Issues and Market Prospects
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Palm Oil Internet Seminar (POINTERS) is a web-based seminar concept where updates on developments in the oils and fats sector will be brought promptly to the industry circles, accessible at the click of a button from their own PC, mobile web or laptop wherever they are.

The idea is to bring about convenience, time and cost savings, as well as meaningful information sharing that connects everyone to the oils and fats industry efficiently and effectively. All papers will be posted on the site for one week and participants will be able to download the paper and post questions to the authors, who have lent their expertise, during that one week period.

Active participation from among the audience is expected to make the Internet Palm Oil Seminars more useful and meaningful. Register now and be the first to take advantage of valuable updates from the oils and fats industry in an innovative way.
Archive Highlights
The oleochemical industry is an important part of Russian economy, which grew by 2% in 2018. According to forecasts of the Ministry of Economy Russia's GDP...
19 VIEWS    |    13 COMMENTS
Mrs. Elena Khudoleeva
The structural change has happened on the supply of China’s oils & fats due to the influence of China-US trade war and African swine fever. The changes in US...
14 VIEWS    |    24 COMMENTS
Mr. Cai Neng Bin
Shanghai Pansun
I will be presenting a power point presentation on Palm Oil Internet Seminar and my topic is Myanmar Palm Oil Market and Potential & Challenges of Exporting...
62 VIEWS    |    6 COMMENTS
Mr. Myint Kyu
Palm oil is one of the most versatile commodity: considering its important role in feeding world population and especially in case of Asia, which is the most...
298 VIEWS    |    13 COMMENTS
Ali Muhammad Lakdawala
ITC Limited
Research paper presented with focus on Saudi Arabian Palm Oil market in specific and edible oil industry in general. This paper objective is to present...
86 VIEWS    |    12 COMMENTS
Mr. Pradeep Reddy
In Europe, a few countries became interested in biofuels in the 1990s; however, the EU as a whole became interested in the subject much later – in 2001 –...
53 VIEWS    |    4 COMMENTS
Ms. Maëlle Soares Pinto
Biodiesel is the most important biofuel in the EU, representing about 70% of the total transport biofuels market. The first biofuel was developed and used in...
251 VIEWS    |    4 COMMENTS    |    5 LIKES
It is a no brainer that with the continuing of growth in population and with people getting more affluent, consumption of food and for that matter all...
42 VIEWS    |    4 COMMENTS
Mr. Mohamad Helmy Othman Basha, FCCA