05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 1: Price Direction
05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 2 : Special Focus on the US
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 1: Oils & Fats Supply, Demand and Outlook
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 2: Opportunities for Palm Oil in Asian Market
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 1 : CPO Price Trend
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Opportunities
22 - 28 Jun 2020
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 2 : Global Palm Oil Market Focus
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Focus
22 - 29 Feb 2016
2016 Market Direction - Twists and Turns of Palm Oil Prices
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 1 : Palm Oil Price Fundamentals
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 2 : Trade Issues and Market Prospects
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Palm Oil Internet Seminar (POINTERS) is a web-based seminar concept where updates on developments in the oils and fats sector will be brought promptly to the industry circles, accessible at the click of a button from their own PC, mobile web or laptop wherever they are.

The idea is to bring about convenience, time and cost savings, as well as meaningful information sharing that connects everyone to the oils and fats industry efficiently and effectively. All papers will be posted on the site for one week and participants will be able to download the paper and post questions to the authors, who have lent their expertise, during that one week period.

Active participation from among the audience is expected to make the Internet Palm Oil Seminars more useful and meaningful. Register now and be the first to take advantage of valuable updates from the oils and fats industry in an innovative way.
Archive Highlights
This article analyses the impacts of the new levy imposed on CPO and its products on various players of the industry--in term who gain and who loss from this...
425 VIEWS    |    16 COMMENTS    |    2 LIKES
Dr. Fadhil Hasan
1. India is the 2nd largest most populous Nation, Largest democracy country with maximum young people, One of the fastest growing economy, 2. India is the...
8 VIEWS    |    8 COMMENTS
Mr. Govindbhai G. Patel
Weather is one of the key elements in the production and supply of almost of all oilseeds and palm oil and a major catalyst for price movement. Not too long...
333 VIEWS    |    11 COMMENTS    |    2 LIKES
Mr. Ling Ah Hong
The development of livestock industry has been the determining factor of the demand for soybean meal in China, which subsequently dictates or influences the...
503 VIEWS    |    16 COMMENTS    |    7 LIKES
Mr. Desmond Ng
Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC)
Countries every year commission changes in policy. This is to address intrinsic pressure of a country to develop its economy, improve technologies, address...
34 VIEWS    |    17 COMMENTS
Mr. Lim Teck Chaii & Mr. N. Balu
2020 has been a challenging year for global economies, businesses and commodities alike. The lockdowns in most parts of the world coupled with the crude oil...
1,797 VIEWS    |    16 COMMENTS    |    13 LIKES
Datuk Dr. Kalyana Sundram
The focus for palm oil exports is mostly on the major import markets, notably China, India and the EU. The ASEAN region, however, is home to over 660 million...
565 VIEWS    |    6 COMMENTS    |    5 LIKES
Dr Julian Conway McGill
LMC International
This report will focus from the perspective of the adjustment of China's macroeconomic situation and the reform of supply situation as the basis to analyze the...
212 VIEWS    |    6 COMMENTS    |    1 LIKE
Mr. Cai Neng Bin
Shanghai Pansun