05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 1: Price Direction
05 - 11 Apr 2021
Section 2 : Special Focus on the US
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 1: Oils & Fats Supply, Demand and Outlook
18 - 24 Oct 2021
Section 2: Opportunities for Palm Oil in Asian Market
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 1 : CPO Price Trend
24 Feb - 01 Mar 2020
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Opportunities
22 - 28 Jun 2020
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
29 Jan - 04 Feb 2018
Section 2 : Global Palm Oil Market Focus
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 1: CPO Price Trend
06 - 12 Aug 2018
Section 2: Global Palm Oil Market Focus
22 - 29 Feb 2016
2016 Market Direction - Twists and Turns of Palm Oil Prices
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 1 : Palm Oil Price Fundamentals
22 - 28 Aug 2016
Section 2 : Trade Issues and Market Prospects
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Palm Oil Internet Seminar (POINTERS) is a web-based seminar concept where updates on developments in the oils and fats sector will be brought promptly to the industry circles, accessible at the click of a button from their own PC, mobile web or laptop wherever they are.

The idea is to bring about convenience, time and cost savings, as well as meaningful information sharing that connects everyone to the oils and fats industry efficiently and effectively. All papers will be posted on the site for one week and participants will be able to download the paper and post questions to the authors, who have lent their expertise, during that one week period.

Active participation from among the audience is expected to make the Internet Palm Oil Seminars more useful and meaningful. Register now and be the first to take advantage of valuable updates from the oils and fats industry in an innovative way.
Archive Highlights
Brazil is currently the second largest soybean producer and exporter and responds to nearly one third of the world’s total soybean production. Brazilian...
61 VIEWS    |    9 COMMENTS
Mr. Marcelo Duarte Monteiro
India’s total edible oil consumption has reached about 22 million tons per annum of which imports constitute about 15 million tons. Traditionally palm oil...
11 VIEWS    |    10 COMMENTS    |    1 LIKE
Mr. Desai Sudhakar Rao
China’s 2014-2015 (Oct-Sep) will see 10% more soybean and 5% less rapeseed crushing, or 1400tmt more oil from beans, and 400tmt less oil from rapeseed, than...
192 VIEWS    |    3 COMMENTS
- Ample global soybean supplies due to increase in production. - China's soybean import increased, with Brazil's soybean accounted for biggest share. - China...
646 VIEWS    |    4 COMMENTS    |    4 LIKES
Mr. Cai Neng Bin
Shanghai Pansun
This paper is meant to be an informative paper on the historical and political shape of the Western biodiesel industry and how the development of the industry,...
45 VIEWS    |    1 COMMENT    |    1 LIKE
Mr. A. Fadzli Abdul Aziz.
As we had earlier predicted, the global oils and fats production in 2014 exceeded 200 million MT and for the year 2015, we forecast that the global oils & fats...
501 VIEWS    |    12 COMMENTS    |    8 LIKES
Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Yusof Basiron
The year 2019 has been a better year for the Malaysian oil palm industry as compared to that of in the previous year. In 2019, improvements have been recorded...
128 VIEWS    |    20 COMMENTS
Datuk Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj. Ghulam Kadir
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
Ms. Fauziah Arshad
This paper will share on the marketing opportunities for packed oils and specialty fats in the fast developing Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The...
397 VIEWS    |    11 COMMENTS    |    4 LIKES
Mr. Sandeep Singh
The Farm Trade